AA Granite Fabricator Direct

If you’re like most people, you’re probably spending a lot more time than usual at home due to COVID-19. If you feel cooped up inside, it may help to look at it as an opportunity to take on some home improvement projects you’ve been putting off. When you’re stuck inside, there are many ways you can freshen up your living space and boost your home’s value at the same time. Find out what projects are easy to tackle right now below. 

Make a Dedicated Home Office 

If you’ve transitioned to remote work and don’t have a home office set up yet, this might be the first project you want to tackle. Having a dedicated space for work allows you to stay organized and focus on what you’re doing. It’s easy to convert just about any space in your home into an office, such as a guest bedroom. And as an added benefit, Bankrate says that having a home office is a good way to appeal to buyers — especially young ones — if you list your home for sale.

You might think you need a large home to have a dedicated office, but there are many ways to get creative with limited space. For example, an unused nook might be the perfect place to slide in a desk. Even a closet can be revamped into a great home work space. 

When your home office doesn’t have a door, you might have to get creative with eliminating distractions. Putting up a privacy screen or using noise-canceling headphones can help you stay focused when your family’s home during your work hours. 

Make Your Home More Secure

Every homeowner cares about security, but not everyone has the time to install a system. Right now, you might want to forego having a professional company come in to set up a system at your home. However, many companies also offer DIY options that are just as secure. These systems can usually be ordered online, allowing you to keep up with social distancing. 

Many DIY kits come with motion sensors, door sensors, and cameras that you can set up yourself. You only need basic tools to install a home security system, and chances are, you already have the equipment you need on hand. 

Update the Kitchen and Bath

Since you’re spending more time at home, this also means you’re spending more time in your most-used rooms, which are traditionally the kitchen and bathroom. Now is the perfect time to make updates to both of these high-traffic areas. Start by evaluating your budget, and then look toward renovations that will make your house more appealing when the time to sell eventually rolls around.

For the most visibility, focus on your cabinets and countertops. There are many options available, including granite, quartz, and marble. AA Granite Fabricator Direct can walk you through each step of the process and help you choose the product that’s right for your home, budget, and desired look.

Do Easy Updates

Painting is another simple project to take on when you’re avoiding social contact. Putting down a fresh layer of paint will improve home’s appearance, and if you choose a neutral color scheme, it can even boost your home’s value if you plan on selling at some point. You need minimal equipment to paint a room, and better yet, paint can be shipped to your door. 

During this time, it’s probably best to avoid more complicated projects such as refinishing your floor or replacing your windows. While these projects can boost your home’s value, they often require professional help.  

When you’re trying to practice social distancing, it’s best to focus on projects that you can do yourself. By ordering supplies online and sticking to manageable projects you can do with tools you already have, you can help reduce the spread of infection. Projects like painting your walls, working on your landscaping, or making your home more secure will help pass the time and, in many cases, boost your home’s value.