AA Granite Fabricator Direct

You’ve got a list, right?

If you’re redoing your kitchen, you’ve probably got a list somewhere (in your head, on your phone, stapled to the tree out back) that has everything you want for your perfect new kitchen.

And high on that list, after one of those cool gel refrigerators and perfect glass front cabinets, is beautiful granite countertops.

If you’re considering granite countertop colors in Lawrenceville, you already know granite is beautiful and functional. But something that still seems to confuse many is this: are granite countertops water-resistant?

Some say yes, others no. And the answer is somewhere in between. Let’s take a look at the real answer to this question so you can get beautiful granite countertops, without worrying about water damage.

Resistant, but Porous: The Paradox of Granite Countertops

Granite is famous for its natural ability to resist moisture. In fact, that’s one of the reasons it’s such a good choice for counters. It has a natural water resistance that helps protect it.

However, it isn’t water-proof.

Because granite is a stone, it is also naturally porous. And while it won’t absorb in the same way as, say, sandstone or limestone, it will still absorb bits of moisture that can eventually damage your counters.

And while granite can be surprisingly affordable, you still don’t want to replace your counters every few years because of moisture damage.

So what is the solution here?

The Mighty Sealant

When your granite countertops are installed, they should also be sealed.

If you have your counters professionally installed, the installer should do this for you. If you do it yourself, it’s an important step that you shouldn’t miss.

Granite sealer is usually resin and petroleum-based and helps fill those tiny holes in the granite countertop that can let in moisture. This helps liquid to bead up, rather than soaking into the surface and staining your granite.

Sealer should be put on before any appliances are put into your kitchen. This way, you know that every inch of your new countertops is protected.

Sealing should also be redone roughly annually, although some counters can go a bit longer in between treatments.

Now, a sealant isn’t a complete solution. Liquids left on the counters can still soak in and cause damage, given enough time. How can you prevent this? Let’s take a look.

Preventing Water Damage on Your Granite Countertop

So, you’ve gotten granite, which is naturally water-resistant. You’ve sealed it to offer even more protection. What more could you possibly do?

The key here is just to keep it clean. Water spills will probably evaporate before they can cause damage, thanks to your sealed counters, but there are a few liquids you should always wipe up right away.

  • Oils
  • Acidic liquids, like lemon juice
  • Coffee
  • Alcohol

These liquids can cause something called “etching” and have nothing to do with the water resistance of your counters. All of these liquids can corrode the surface if your counters, no matter how well they are sealed, so make sure you wipe them up quickly.

The Amazing Granite Countertop

So the short answer here is that yes, granite countertops are surprisingly resistant to water, and can be made even more so with proper sealing.

Like with any investment though, you should treat your granite countertop with care, making sure it stays clean.

With that in mind, you should have beautiful granite counters for years to come. For more on choosing the perfect counters, contact us today!